While both pipebursting and lining offer an alternative to open trench replacements, there are a few additional benefits to pipebursting. Liners do as their name suggests and line the current main line pipe. This means if there are currently dips or bellies in the line, the liners will follow that same curvature. This can be problematic in the future, as dips and bellies can cause blockages. In addition to this, liners go inside the line, making the overall circumference of the line smaller. This makes it easier to clog the line. Unlike liners, pipebursting replaces the line completely, pushing the new line in and pulling the old line out. It gives you a brand new line, with the original circumference of the pipe, allowing maximum water/sewage flow. It also allows for a straighter line, that doesn't necessarily follow the dips or bellies of your old line.